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Board Responsibilities


  • Preside at all meetings of the Chapter.

  • Serve as Chair of the Board of Directors.

  • Be an ex-officio member of all committees.

  • Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.

  • Present an annual report at the last annual meeting of the chapter.

  • Become Immediate Past President upon completion of term as President.

  • Work with the membership chair to fulfill and submit the chapter’s annual report to the state office annually

Vice President

  • Assist the President and act for the President in his or her absence.

  • Chair the Program Committee.


  • Conduct all necessary Chapter correspondence.

  • Record, publish and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, General Membership meetings or special meetings;

  • Furnish the minutes to all Board members and make them available to other Chapter members when requested

  • Keep a record of attendance at each Board meeting and whether a quorum as defined by the by-laws is present.

  • Maintain files of all minutes and correspondence.

  • Bring to each meeting the minutes, a copy of the bylaws, rules and policies, a list of all committees and a copy of the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter;

  • Publish notice of membership meetings and field trips.


  • Maintain budget and accounting records.

  • Receive all dues and monies for the association and maintain them in a separate Chapter bank account.

  • Keep an account of all income, expenses, disbursements and other financial

  • Pay all bills upon receipt of a written statement or receipt.

  • Make a monthly report to the membership

  • Develop an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

  • Present the financial records for audit on or before the last day of the fiscal year.

  • Submit all annual financial records and audits as required by law.

Training Committee Chair

  • Coordinates training of Master Naturalists for the Chapter’s training program.

  • Plans, implements and evaluates the chapter training curriculum and develops training calendar.

  • With the Treasurer develops the class budget and recommends the class tuition to the board.

  • Acquires and prepares class manuals.

  • Selects all presenters and make arrangements for their class/presentation including materials, handouts and audio-visual equipment needed for the class/presentation.

  • Arranges for speaker gifts, travel and lodging needs, and confirmation and thank you letters.

  • Arranges for publicity – newspaper, flyers, internet.

  • Arranges for location, room seating and equipment for all classes.

  • Manages the on-going class through graduation.

Membership Committee Chair

  • Maintains a roster of the Chapter’s member names including in-training members plus addresses, phone numbers and Internet addresses. Maintains race and gender data in a confidential file in accordance with federal guidelines.

  • Maintains a record of volunteer and continuing education hours and class training attendance.

  • Notifies the Board of members meeting certification and threshold hour achievements.

  • Orders and maintains the member certification and recognition awards (e.g. shirts, name tags, certificates, business cards, pins).

  • Ensures members have a current signed liability form on file.

  • Maintains a record of high level interests and specific expertise of members.

Volunteer Service Projects Committee Chair

  • Approves and notifies chapter membership regarding Volunteer Service opportunities and projects.

  • Uses the Volunteer Policy Handbook statement on Volunteer Service Requirements and Chapter guidelines to review projects or activities for approval.

© 2023 Merrimac Farm Virginia Master Naturalist Chapter

Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.

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